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The Ordinary

TikTok Trending Trio
32 Vurderinger
339 kr*Uten pakkepris: 383 kr
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TikTok trendiest products! With exfoliating AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution, also known as the blood mask, Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution that has been used in more places than the face and the best-selling Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%, you get TikTok's most appreciated products.

AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution:
10-Minute Exfoliating Facial. With 30% Alpha Hydroxyl Acids (Glycolic/Lactic/Tartaric/Citric), 2% Beta Hydroxyl Acid (Salicylic Acid), Hyaluronic Acid Crosspolymer, Vitamin B5, Black Carrot and Tasmanian Pepperberry. Alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) exfoliate the skin's topmost surface for a brighter and more even appearance. Beta hydroxyl acids (BHA) also exfoliate the skin with an extended function to help clear pore congestion. This combined 32% AHA/BHA solution offers deeper exfoliation to help fight visible blemishes and for improved skin radiance. The formula also improves the appearance of skin texture and reduces the look of fine lines with continued use. This formula contains a studied Tasmanian Pepperberry derivative to help reduce irritation associated with acid use. This derivative is of plant origin and varies in colour seasonally and this colour variation may be apparent in the formula from time to time. This formula is further supported with a crosspolymer form of hyaluronic acid for comfort, Vitamin B5 to assist healing and black carrot as an antioxidant. Contraindications: This formula should not be used on sensitive, peeling or compromised skin. Please refer to additional sun protection note and other warnings in provided Directions. Note: While exfoliating acids can result in quick visible benefits, we generally suggest indirect forms of skin exfoliation in favour of direct forms such as this formula due to potential inflammation and sensitivity associated with acids. Please refer to NIOD's Non-Acid Acid Precursor for such a reference.

Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution:
With 7% Glycolic Acid, Amino Acids, Aloe Vera, Ginseng and Tasmanian Pepperberry. Glycolic Acid is an alpha hydroxyl acid that exfoliates the skin. This 7% toning solution offers mild exfoliation for improved skin radiance and visible clarity. The formula also improves the appearance of skin texture with continued use.This formula contains a studied Tasmanian Pepperberry derivative to help reduce irritation associated with acid use. This derivative is of plant origin and varies in colour seasonally and this colour variation may be apparent in the formula from time to time. The formula is further supported with inclusion of ginseng root and aloe vera for both visible radiance and soothing benefits. Contraindications: This formula should not be used on sensitive, peeling or compromised skin. Please refer to additional sun protection note and other warnings in provided Directions. This pH of this formula is approximately 3.6. Glycolic Acid has a pKa of 3.6 and pKa is the most important aspect to consider in formulating with acids. pKa implies acid availability. When pKa is close to pH, there is an ideal balance between salt and acidity, maximizing effectiveness of the acid and reducing irritation. Higher pH numbers in such a case would increase salt which counter-intuitively would make the formula even more irritating than if the formula was more acidic.

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%:
High-Strength Vitamin and Mineral Blemish Formula. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is indicated to reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and congestion. A high 10% concentration of this vitamin is supported in the formula by zinc salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid to balance visible aspects of sebum activity.

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  • Mest hjelpsomme positive
    for 1 mnd siden
    Verifisert kjøper

    Ja,ja og ja.

    Alle disse komponentene fra the ordinary har god effekt ig gjør jobben sin. Min 50 år gamle hud er myk, uten rynker og gløder har jeg blirt fortalt. Finnes ingen tvil om at disse produktene er med på å hjelpe å holde huden min frisk, uten porer og rynker og gir den en glød innenfra.
    2 liker
    468 visninger
  • for 4 mnd siden


    Disse produktene kommer med tre?
    2372 visninger
    • Kundeservice på Lyko
      for 4 mnd siden
      Heisann 👋

      Ja, det er tre produkter i pakken 😊

      Ønsker deg en fin dag!
  • for 1 år siden

    The ordinary trio

    Er dette produkter for de som sliter med uren hud? Jeg har kun fet hud i tsonen og sliter med blackheads. Huden min er ikke fet ellers. Bør jeg evt da bare bruke disse produktene hvor jeg sliter med fet hud?:)
    5609 visninger
    • Kundeservice på Lyko
      for 4 mnd siden
      Heisann 👋

      Kjøper du denne pakken får du alle tre varene ja 🤗

      Ønsker deg en fin dag ✨
      1 liker
  • for 1 år siden
    Verifisert kjøper

    The ordanariy trio

    Elsker disse produktene de har gjort så nasse brw for huden min
    5169 visninger
  • for 1 år siden


    Hei! Skal disse brukes sammen i en spesifik rekkefølge eller?
    5834 visninger
    • Hudterapeut på Lyko
      for 1 år siden
      Hei Malin!

      Glycolic Acid Toner skal brukes etter rengjøring på kvelden før serum og krem.

      Niacinamide brukes morgen og kveld etter rengjøring på morgen og etter Glycolic Acid på kvelden. Følg opp med krem og SPF(dagtid).

      Peeling Solution brukes kun 1 gang i uken på kveldenog påføres etter rengjøring. Denne skal virke i maksimalt 10 minutter (gjerne mindre i starten) før den vaskes grundig av. Den dagen du bruker denne skipper du Glycolic Acid toner og hopper rett på Niacinamide og krem.

      Håper dette var forståelig, om ikke så må du ikke nøle med å spørre🥰

      Ønsker deg en fin dag💌
      6 liker
  • for 1 år siden
    Verifisert kjøper

    Favoritt 🙌🏼

    Har alltid likt godt produktene til the ordinary, også fint å få kjøpt alle tre som en pakke. Har aldri gjort denne type rutine, så det er jeg veldig spent på. Har uansett hatt disse separat, og kan virkelig anbefales 😊
    6004 visninger