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Nordic Witch Hazel Pore Strips 6 st
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Witch Hazel Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strips: The newest edition to the cult-classic line of Bioré Pore Strips, uses Witch Hazel and Tea Tree Oil to pull out 2x more deep-down dirt for the deepest clean you can see.
With just one use, lift away pore-clogging dirt, oil and blackheads for purified pores.

1. Remove strip from pouch. Twist strip to loosen and separate slits prior to use (see illustration).
2. After washing your face, thoroughly wet your nose. The strip won't stick on a dry nose.
3. Dry hands. Peel strip off plastic liner. Apply to nose area, smooth side down, pressing down to ensure good contact with skin.
4. Let dry for about 10-15 minutes until stiff to the touch – like papier-mâché.
5.Slowly and carefully peel off starting at edges, pulling toward centre. Any residue left on skin is easily removed with rinsing.

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  • Mest hjelpsomme positive
    for 3 år siden
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    Fungerer veldig bra

    Jeg har aldri prøvd sånne strips før. Så tenkte at jeg skulle prøve de. Jeg hadde ikke så mange hudormer på nesa, men jeg kan se at stripsen fikk bort mye. Så denne fungerte bra. Nesa føles veldig ren etter å ha brukt stripsen.
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